What is Direct Primary Care

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a new approach to healthcare. Life & Family Medical does not accept insurance so there are no middlemen and no administrators, it’s only you and your doctor making decisions about your healthcare. Instead of the doctor working for the insurance company, the doctor works for you. Members pay a low monthly membership fee which covers all office visits and provides access to their doctor via phone, email, text, and telemedicine, even after hours if needed.



The average primary care provider sees over 2,000 patients - Life & Family Medical doctors carry less than 600! Your doctor will really be able to know you and your needs.


We give you the time needed to discuss all of your healthcare concerns. Appointments can be as concise or lengthy, as you desire. We address your needs in a timely manner - without a long wait for appointments or wasting time hanging out in a waiting room.


Your monthly membership fee will cover all of your office visits without any co-pays. You will also have access to heavily discounted labs and generic prescriptions.